What Is Facial Acupuncture?

Facial Acupuncture remedies the surface effects of aging by triggering a self-repair response in the skin and addressing the internal stressors that contribute to the signs of aging. This ancient beauty secret is a non-invasive and natural approach to reduce the signs of aging and help skin regain its youthful glow. It is the only targeted beauty treatment with direct health and well-being benefits.

How Does Facial Acupuncture Work?

Needles as thin as a strand of hair are inserted carefully into key areas and creases in the face, causing tiny microtrauma to the skin that trigger an increase in blood flow and activate collagen production. The result is revitalized and nourished skin, a brighter complexion and a more youthful appearance.

I use The Mei Zen protocol. Mei Zen is a cosmetic acupuncture technique based in Chinese medicine that addresses the internal and external causes of aging. Mei Zen translates to "beautiful people." Cosmetic acupuncture begins with body needles to balance and relax the body. Then, fine dermal needles are inserted into the face and/or neck. The protocol “Mei Zen” is followed to perform needling in specific fine lines and wrinkles.


  • Reduction of Fine Lines

  • Softening of deeper wrinkles

  • Lifting and toning muscles

  • Evening of skin tone and texture

  • Reduction of under eye bags

  • Improved Complexion

  • Increases Circulation

Possible Side Effects

Cosmetic acupuncture is a chemical-free, natural approach to anti-aging, without the side effects, risks and downtime of more invasive cosmetic procedures. Most patients do not experience any complications. However, a small amount of bleeding, bruising or puffiness may occasionally occur.


As with any medical treatment, there are certain contraindications for acupuncture treatments, including:

  • Drug or alcohol intoxication

  • Use of a pacemaker

  • A seizure disorder

  • Bleeding disorder such as hemophilia or use of blood thinners

  • Infections skin disorder or disease

  • If pregnant, acupuncture can still be done, however, certain points cannot be done. Please make sure to advise your acupuncturist that you are pregnant so that they can avoid certain points.

Who Is Cosmetic Acupuncture For?

Our licensed provider will meet with you prior to your first treatment to ensure you are a suitable candidate for cosmetic acupuncture, but most men and women looking for a natural, alternative approach to reducing the signs of aging and improve overall wellness are candidates for cosmetic acupuncture. Those who are not eligible for cosmetic acupuncture include pregnant women, those with hemophilia or contagious skin diseases, those with a severe deficiency, or those who have undergone other cosmetic procedures such as injections and surgical procedures in the past 2-6 weeks.